For HYO-JEONG LEE, the world she encounters becomes a song. Neither the rapidly changing times nor outdated conventions and prejudices escape her keen observation. Her three full-length albums and four singles are filled with questions born from her reflections and insights into the world around her.
Her debut album, *Injured Finger (2014)*, draws on her experiences living as an outsider in New York, offering introspection about herself and the world. Returning to Korea, she released her second album, *Beta Girl (2018)*, a jazz manifesto addressing the pressures of Korean society that demands women to embody the “alpha girl” ideal, instead celebrating the voice and strength of a “beta girl.”
Through singles like *The Girl Eating a Wormy Apple (2019)*, *Trend vs. Trend (2019)*, *My Psychedelic Dears (2019)*, and *Algorithm (2022)*, Lee Hyo-jung explores themes such as trends, individuality, relationships, and desires, crafting a unique musical world defined by these touchstones.
While her earlier works often took the vantage point of an observer distanced from the world, her third album, *Touch (2023)*, takes a bold step into the heart of it.
HYO-JEONG LEE’s music now transcends the boundaries of time and reality, reaching into loss and eternity. Her songs are the sum of all she has encountered and experienced. Through life and death, loss and despair, her journey as a jazz singer-songwriter is one of unwavering evolution. Explore the trajectory of her artistic growth and resilience through her music.
The City University of New York of Queens College, NY, USA (M.M)
Currently visiting professor of Applied Music at Dong-A University, Dong-Eui University, Busan Arts College, and Sejong Cyber University
Currently hosting TBN Traffic Broadcastings ‘Hyo-Jeong Lee Jazz That Opens The Morning’
Performances at various Jazz clubs nationwide – Hyo-Jeong Lee Band
Busan International Music Festa
TBC Old House Concert
Invited performance at Amore Pacific World Headquarters Secret Concert
Performance at New York Rockwood Music Hall
3rd Regular Album ‘Touch’ (2022)
Single Album ‘Algorithm’ (2022)
Single Album ‘My Psychedelic Dears’ (2019)
Single Album ‘Trend vs Trend’ (2019)
Single Album ‘The Girl Eating a Wormy Apple’ (2019)
2nd Regular Album ‘Beta Girl’ (2018)
1st Regular Album ‘ The Bruised Finger’ (2014)